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Collection: Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders

This collection examines how mental disorders are portrayed in DSM-5 and the ICD-10 with various characteristics, diagnoses, co-morbidities, and differential diagnoses acted-out in scenarios with reference to the diagnostic numbering scheme of the ICD-10.

About this collection

Mental health disorders abound, and for clinicians who do not see all types of disorders with regularity in their rooms, it can be confusing to reach a diagnosis based solely on the presenting set of symptoms. This collection, focusing one type of disorder at a time, clarifies the symptoms that are required for diagnosis of the main groups of DSM-5 mental and personality disorders. The highly concise presentation makes it easy for the viewer to go back to a given disorder and re-view it if necessary in order to be certain that a given diagnosis is correct. Even for counsellors who do not often see diagnosable disorders, the collection is useful as a tool for continuing extension of the knowledge base.

Duration 13 hours
Format video
Type Collection
Price Included with membership
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