This collection was designed for allied mental health professionals who are eligible providers of Better Access Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) services, and are required to complete 10 hours of FPS CPD each year. Courses included are spread over the categories of psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation strategies, skills training, interpersonal psychotherapy, and narrative therapy: a preferred modality to use with Indigenous clients.
Courses in this
About this
You may have clicked into this collection in order to find out which courses you may do to meet your continuing professional development requirements in order to retain your eligibility as an allied health provider receiving Medicare rebates. If so, you will be glad to know that the courses in this collection were chosen because they specifically address the chief areas identified by the Better Access Scheme as topics/areas for continuing skills development: that is, psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation strategies, skills training, interpersonal therapy, and courses about narrative therapy and/or using it with Indigenous clients. Among the courses in the collection are 13 psychoeducation courses, seven of which wholly or partly deal with motivational interviewing; 15 cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) courses; and 12 skills training courses (nine of which treat the topic of parenting). The good news about this collection is that its courses not only cover eligible FPS CPD topics that have demonstrated effectiveness, but they are also are highly practical interventions which make good use of Medicare dollars.