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Collection: Therapies In-Action: Narrative Practice with Couples

This collection (4 courses) demonstrates how a narrative practice framework can be applied to support two troubled couples.

About this collection

In this series of four videos, Larry Zucker uses a narrative practice framework to work with two troubled couples. It requires him to consider that clients are the experts on their own experience and that his expertise is in hosting the conversations that will help move them forward from their place of stuckness. At the beginning of each video, Zucker and series host Kevin Fitzsimmons discuss the theoretical assumptions underpinning Zucker’s work and contrast that with earlier training Zucker had.

Zucker’s interventions with the couples range from helping them become aware of when their conversation is moving towards a fight to having important conversations about what model of relationship will suit them. Both couples learn to understand the other person’s experience rather than reacting from their own, often inaccurate, assumptions. This collection is a valuable addition for any mental health professional who would like to observe a master counsellor following the process of not one client in the room, but two. Zucker also demonstrates a high level of skill at asking questions in a way that opens up discussion of sensitive issues.

Duration 8 hours
Format video
Type Collection
Price Included with membership
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