As mental health practitioners, we strive to understand the conditions and disorders that our clients bring to us in the recognition that the more deeply we can comprehend what is happening for them, the more effectively we can facilitate healing from the problem, or at least managing it if genuine healing is not possible. With respect to addiction in particular, we can note the evolution in thinking over the last century, from alcoholism as evidence of moral turpitude to the contemporary understandings that, not only is it a disease, it is one which rewires the human brain. The courses in this collection, accordingly, treat a wide range of topics related to addiction. Some of the questions the lecturers discuss are:
Drug/alcohol misuse and addiction constitute a major presentation to mental health professionals; thus, this collection is worth returning to multiple times to review existing understandings and extend overall knowledge. As courses are added, we collectively “push the envelope” on the breadth and depth of our understanding of addiction and how to treat it.
Duration | 14 hours | |
Format | text,video | |
Type | Collection | |
Price | Included with membership |
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