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The Treatment of Trauma and the Internal Family Systems Model

In this course, Dr. Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems Institute, gives an overview of the therapy system he developed over four decades of client work. Based on the understanding that each of us is comprised of a Self and multiple parts, IFS works to help free traumatised parts and those parts protecting them from extreme roles so that the client can become more Self-led.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems Institute, introduces the basic notions of the Internal Family Systems Model he created over four decades of work with clients. Observing that everyone is a multiple personality in that we all have many parts, Schwartz explains that clients affected by trauma, particularly, have parts who may be working in overdrive trying to help – albeit in a misguided way – the most traumatised parts of the person who are frozen in time. Outlining the main categories of parts, such as Exiles, Firefighters, Critics, Managers, and Protectors, Schwartz shows the importance of getting to know them with compassion and curiosity, so that they can eventually release the extreme beliefs and emotions they cause while carrying the long-term burdens of trauma. As this process occurs, parts come to be integrated with the Self, they work together better with each other, internal trust is restored, and the client can become more Self-led. Schwartz finishes the talk with a video clip of an interaction with a client who felt suicidal after an IFS session.
Duration 1 hour
Format Video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Richard Schwartz

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