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A Narrative Approach to Working with Sobriety and Life Transitions

In this course, Professor Gerald Monk (San Diego State University) demonstrates with client Jay how to work as a narrative therapist with a client who is in transition.

About this course

Jay, a recovering alcoholic, wants to celebrate five years of sobriety, but has not fully made the transition from feeling bad about himself to a lived experience of worthiness. Professor Monk carefully lays the groundwork, intervention by intervention, to help Jay change from his old narrative of unworthiness to one which features an enhanced capacity for letting in the evidence that Jay deserves to feel good about himself. Professor Monk attends to both linguistic and bodily/emotional cues to help Jay establish and then “grow” the preferred narrative of an “on track” sense of deserving to feel good about himself.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type case-study
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Gerald Monk

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