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A Survival Guide to Client Wellbeing in a COVID-19 World

In this course, author and positive psychology researcher Dr Justin Coulson calls on both scientific research and Buddhist metaphor to explain how psychological and temporal distancing, along with acceptance strategies, can help clients increase their wellbeing during times of heightened worry or stress.

About this course

In this course, author and positive psychology researcher Dr Justin Coulson contextualises his talk on increasing client wellbeing by noting that, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, news media can overwhelm a person with bad news, setting the person up for a cycle of intrusive thoughts which persist when resisted through CBT-style strategies. Coulson notes that stress and worry can persist even when clients try “the usual remedies”, such as exercise, good diet and sleep, and reduction of alcohol/drugs. Coulson suggests, rather, that clients try “the fancier remedies”, which – based on research - involve deep breathing, psychological distancing, temporal distancing, and acceptance strategies. Coulson’s descriptive use of metaphor – including “the white bear” and the Buddhist notion of “the second arrow” - assist retention of the concepts introduced.
Duration 1 hour
Format Video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Justin Coulson

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