Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

This course focuses on the various types of anxiety disorders and the range of approaches available to treat them.

About this course

Anxiety is a normal part of the human condition and is experienced by everyone at one time or another. However, severe and prolonged anxiety can develop into anxiety disorders, which have now become the most common psychological disorders affecting both children and adults. This course focuses on the various types of anxiety disorders and the range of approaches available to treat them. It will help you to understand the causes of anxiety disorders and how they develop. It examines the diagnostic criteria for different anxiety disorders and explores the use of psychodynamic psychotherapy, CBT, and relaxation and mindfulness practices in order to manage current symptoms and prevent future anxiety. Upon completion, you will gain an understanding of the theoretical background of anxiety, including the causes and development of anxiety disorders. The signs and symptoms leading to diagnosis of the different disorders are described. This is followed by discussion on the use of psychodynamic psychotherapy, CBT, and relaxation and mindfulness exercises in order to help clients manage anxiety disorders and prevent panic attacks.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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