Building the Therapeutic Alliance

In this course, host Dr Matt Englar-Carlson, Department of Counselling, California State University, Fullerton, interviews Dr Leah Brew about basic aspects of building a therapeutic alliance; Dr Brew demonstrates the aspects with two clients.

About this course

In this course, host Dr Matt Englar-Carlson, Department of Counselling, California State University, Fullerton, discusses with Dr Leah Brew the basic aspects of building a therapeutic alliance. In multiple segments, Dr Brew demonstrates the aspects discussed. These include: being present, use of body language (being warm, open, and accepting), demonstrating empathy, trusting the client's self-actualising tendencies, and helping the client to understand, “You are not alone”.
Duration 2 hours
Format video
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alexander Street Press

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