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Carrots & Sticks - How Rewards and Punishments Hurt Our Kids and What to Do Instead

In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson lays the case for why punishment (including time-out practices) and reward are ineffective, development- and relationship-undermining ways to change a child’s behaviour. The motivation continuum is explained and seven steps to getting discipline right are identified.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson (Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Wollongong; founder of happyfamilies.com; and co-host and parenting expert on Australian Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance), offers a comprehensive argument against using both punishment and reward to discipline a child. Acknowledging the many reasons parents do it, Coulson walks you through the motivation continuum, which shows how most punishment and reward systems fall on the less effective, highly externalised side of the continuum rather than the more internally-regulated intrinsic side. Even the popular technique of time-out is not spared, as Coulson highlights the relational and developmental reasons which illustrate its lack of efficacy. Coulson explains the three key components of high-quality parenting and identifies seven steps to getting discipline right.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Justin Coulson

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