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Choice Theory and Reality Therapy: Session 3

In this course, Dr. Patricia Robey has the third counseling session with Kennedy, a 28-year-old Ph.D. candidate who is dealing with depression.

About this course

In this course, Dr Patricia Robey has the third counseling session with Kennedy, a 28-year-old Ph.D. candidate who is dealing with depression. Robey makes interventions derived from Reality Therapy, supported by Choice Theory, to help Kennedy define how she wants to be, including with respect to behaving assertively when she is not being treated well. In the discussion with series host Dr Shannon Dermer after the session, Robey explains advice she has given to Kennedy from the Choice Theory and Reality Therapy perspective, including the notions of Deadly and Caring Habits and Total Behavior, the importance of rehearsing desired behaviors, ways to manage change, and more. Note: This course is part of the “Therapies In-Action: Choice Theory and Reality Therapy” MHA Collection.
Duration 2 hours
Format video
Type case-study
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Patricia Robey

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