Client, Meet your Shadow

This course addresses the practical concern of how one works with shadow once detected in a psyche, including recommend detailed techniques or exercises to help the client see it, too.

About this course

In the course “Sitting with Shadow” we explain the mechanism by which shadow works and describes the consequences of not acknowledging it in our lives. Much of the course is devoted to helping you, a mental health practitioner, recognise shadow occurring in the lives of your clients and others. This course addresses the practical concern of how one works with shadow once detected in a psyche, including recommend detailed techniques or exercises to help the client see it, too. It assumes that you have satisfactorily completed Sitting with Shadow. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Choose from twelve included exercises to guide clients through the processes of acknowledging and integrating disowned parts of themselves; Show clients how to identify shadow manifesting in the daily arenas of daydreams or fantasies and advice-giving, judgments, and humour; Guide clients through exercises which help them to reframe and thus utilise shadow and introjected beliefs to gain greater effectiveness.
Duration 2 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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