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Clinical Work with Gang Youth: Research and Applications

In this course, Dr. Curtis Branch, clinical psychologist, reviews the history of gang research and discusses more recent emphases, which have focused on practical issues for an individual’s life after gang affiliation.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Curtis Branch, clinical psychologist, offers an extensive review of gang research, noting that there have been few academicians remaining in the field long-term. Early theoretical models included the Deficit Model and polarities of thinking, and many assumptions were made about gang-affiliated youth. Dr. Branch notes that he and his associates subscribed to some of the assumptions early on, but as their work with gang-affiliated youth deepened, they were forced to challenge those assumptions. Recent emphases look to practical issues, such as helping the former gang member to attain economic stability and offering mental health services not accessible elsewhere.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Curtis Branch

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