Coercive Control: Recognise, Manage, Change

In this course, Dr. Michael Acton describes how mental health professionals and clients alike can identify when coercive control is present. He outlines how to gently challenge such a client to recognise this and offers strategies for helping the client.

About this course

In this course, psychologist Dr. Michael Acton addresses the three parts of dealing with coercive control in a relationship: recognising when it is present, helping a client accept that they are in such a relationship, and implementing strategies to help. Describing and exploring the experience of those who have survived abusive relationships, Dr. Acton stresses the need to understand the role and impact of illusion, delusion, and gaslighting, and the disappointment inherent in thinking that the abuser changed, only to realise that they acted differently for a period to hook the abusee in again. Looking out for the safety of the abusee as they face the reality of the abuse is supremely important, as well as for practitioners to “tell our truth”. Dr. Acton observes that we are all “gatekeepers” here, as it takes an abusee much courage and numerous attempts to permanently leave a relationship in which they have been subject to coercive control.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Michael Acton

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