Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: The Basics

In this course we examine the key theoretical concepts and therapeutic techniques of the two principal modalities known as cognitive behavioural therapy: Ellis’ rational-emotive behaviour therapy and Becks’ cognitive therapy.

About this course

In the first half of the last century, those looking for therapy could generally choose between a Freudian style of analysis and behaviourism. The former was a very long-term depth psychology which did not always yield outcomes of improved effectiveness in life; the latter was short-term, but sometimes superficial and mechanistic. Albert Ellis, and later Aaron Beck, changed all that with the introduction of their therapies, known in the aggregate as cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, which aims to help clients achieve a happier, more effective life through correcting maladaptive cognitive processes which cause disturbed emotion. This course traces the development of these two strands of CBT: that of Ellis’ rational emotive behaviour therapy, and cognitive therapy, as developed by Beck. The key theoretical concepts of each are examined, as well as the goals, therapeutic alliance, and chief therapeutic techniques utilised. At various points, the differences between the two therapies are discussed, and also the relative limitations and contributions of each. These brief, relatively structured approaches – and the many inventories which the therapies have spawned -- have enabled much scientifically-controlled research, making CBT the gold standard to which therapies aspire if they would demonstrate efficacy.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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