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Combating “Isms” Through Counselling and Systemic Interventions

In this course, Dr. Devona Stalnaker-Shofner calls on concepts of intersectionality, caste, white supremacy, and implicit bias to explain the trauma clients experience as a result of the “isms”. Strategies are offered to combat it at multiple levels.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Devona Stalnaker-Shofner (EDD, LPC, NCC, Associate Professor at Antioch University, New Hampshire; Associate Chair of the Clinical Mental Health Counselling Department) addresses the effect of common “isms” on clients. She explains how the notions of intersectionality, caste, white supremacy, and implicit bias end in trauma, extending to multigenerational trauma, in clients. You are invited to engage in advocacy work with strategies she outlines to combat the “isms” at micro-, meso-, and macro-levels.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Devona Stalnaker-Shofner

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