Conceptualising and Treating Sex Addiction

In this course, Dr. Amanda Giordano explains what sex addiction – a behavioural addiction – is and is not. You hear compelling statistics about its prevalence, and why cybersex is so pervasive.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Amanda Giordano, Associate Professor at University of Georgia, explains the basics of behavioural addiction (including its cycle) and describes what constitutes sex addiction – and what is not sex addiction, differentiating it from sex offending. Giordano shares compelling, disturbing statistics about the prevalence of exposure to pornography by adolescents, and the prevalence of sex addiction among those with a comorbid behavioural addiction. She shows why cybersex is so pervasive and points you to multiple resources for further study.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Amanda Giordano

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