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Crisis Stabilisation for Children: Disaster Mental Health

In this course, Dr. Jennifer Baggerly (University of South Florida) discusses and demonstrates the guiding principles for responding to children after a disaster.

About this course

How can we help children recover from trauma after disasters? Dr. Jennifer Baggerly (University of South Florida, Tampa) worked with children in Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina and with children in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. This live demonstration course presents the guiding principles for responding to children after a disaster. The “big 5” impacts-physiological, cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and spiritual; Key disaster mental health and cognitive-behavioural concepts for work with children; Basic grounding and containment skills during and following a disaster; Initial individual disaster mental health interventions; Group disaster interventions.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alexander Street Press

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