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Developing Cultural Humility and Multicultural Orientation

In this course, Dr Sidney Shaw and Dr Stephanie Ford, both from Walden University in the United States, discuss aspects of developing cultural humility and working with a multicultural orientation.

About this course

In this course, Dr Sidney Shaw and Dr Stephanie Ford, both from Walden University in the United States, discuss aspects of developing cultural humility and working with a multicultural orientation. Sharing their own experiences of this, they examine the three domains of multicultural orientation – cultural humility, cultural opportunities, and cultural comfort – and explain how multicultural orientation is different from multicultural competency. Three segments of Dr Shaw's session with Yomi, an Afro-American graduate student, give live examples to the topics discussed and provide context to some of the concepts brought forward, such as dynamic sizing, emic/etic perspectives, and the importance of gaining feedback from clients. Strategies for broaching the topic of culture are also explored.
Duration 2 hours
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alexander Street Press

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