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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for At-risk and Suicidal Adolescents: Specific Considerations

In this course, we look into treatment differences between five common presentations for DBT-A therapy, including the theoretical dialectics, case conceptualisation, goal setting, and ongoing assessment tools and change strategies.

About this course

In this course, we discuss the particular therapeutic needs of adolescents entering into treatment for each of five common DBT-A presentations: self-harming or suicidal, substance-abusing, anxiety-disordered, eating-disordered, and disruptive teens. For each cohort, we examine the theoretical dialectics, case considerations, goal setting, and commitment-gaining strategies that are most effective. With the emotionally dysregulated population that is well-served by DBT-A, ongoing assessment is critical, so that is discussed in conjunction with change strategies. Tips for phone coaching for each cohort are briefly identified.
Duration 4 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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