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Eating Disorders: From Diagnostic Criteria to Treatment

This course focuses on the various eating disorders and the range of approaches available to treat them.

About this course

Eating disorders are complex, multifaceted physical and mental health problems. Their development usually involves a number of different contributing and perpetuating factors. The exact processes are unclear and it is uncertain how they interact to develop or maintain an eating disorder. This course focuses on the various eating disorders and the range of approaches available to treat them. You will: (1) read the diagnostic criteria for the feeding and eating disorders included in the DSM-5; (2) study the development of an eating disorder; (3) review what is involved in Starvation Syndrome; (4) look into treatments for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa; (5) examine the stages of change model; (6) study the motivational enhancement therapeutic approach; and (7) learn how to apply motivational strategies in practice. For further study, we recommend the <b>Mental Health Academy</b> course, “<a href="/catalogue/courses/diagnosing-eating-disorders" target="_blank">Diagnosing eating disorders</a>”.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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