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Emotional Freedom Techniques for Stress: Research Updates

In this course, Dr. Peta Stapleton, Ph.D., Bond University, reviews the basics of EFT, or emotional freedom techniques, for stress and updates you on the latest research findings.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Peta Stapleton, Ph.D., Bond University, reviews the purpose of emotional freedom techniques, the basic tapping points, and the “basic recipe” used in clinical research on EFT for stress reduction. Outlining the close relationship between cortisol levels and both psychological health and various physical health conditions, Dr. Stapleton updates you on recent research findings regarding EFT, including the startling results of her own 2019 replication study of a 2012 study, in which the EFT experimental group showed a huge reduction in salivary cortisol levels after tapping for an hour.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Peta Stapleton

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