Emotionally Focused Therapy: Session 1

In this course, Dr Shea Dunham, an expert in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), facilitates the first session with Jay and Danielle, an Afro-American couple who have come to session to work on trust in their marriage.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Shea Dunham, an expert in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), works with Jay and Danielle, an Afro-American couple who have come to session to work on trust in their marriage. Dr. Dunham's overall goal is to help repair attachment injuries, teach the couple to negotiate different attachment styles, and build security and trust. Dunham begins the process by trying to understand the couple?s cycle, seeing how they process their relationship, and building the therapeutic alliance. In discussion with series host Dr. Shannon Dermer after the session, Dr. Dunham explains the significance of some aspects of EFT for working with Afro-American couples, what some of the dominant underlying factors influencing their behaviour may be, and what their respective attachment styles may be. Note: This course is part of the “Therapies In-Action: Emotionally Focused Therapy” MHA Collection.
Duration 2 hours
Format video
Type case-study
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Shea Dunham

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