Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

This course examines the construct of emotional intelligence (EI) and explores its applications to therapeutic practice and improved client outcomes.

About this course

The idea that we human beings have not only a quotient of cognitive intelligence, our so-called “IQ”, but also a level of emotional intelligence, called either “EQ” (for emotional quotient) or “EI” (emotional intelligence) has been emerging for at least 30 years. But just what do we mean when we say that a person is, for example, an effective leader because they have “high emotional intelligence”? Or what are the consequences for couples in relationships where both members are seen as having “low emotional intelligence”? In what ways does emotional intelligence affect mental health, relationships, daily decisions, and academic and workplace performance? Is this presumed ability a given: that is, we are born with a certain amount of it and nothing we do in life can change it? Or is emotional intelligence a thing that, no matter what our initial level is, we can improve on as we go through life? If we can grow it, how do we do that? What training, experiences, and insights may foster it? This course examines the construct of emotional intelligence and attempts to answer the above and other questions about it. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to: Recite a definition of emotional intelligence (EI) and name its components; Explain why it is so important for people to have EI, and the implications of not having it; List the skills understood to comprise each of the branches of EI and cite studies which show how high EI supports job and academic performance, mental health, relationships, and cognitive abilities; Identify general strategies to boost EI and also specific activities you could use with clients or groups in order to enhance skills in each of the component branches of EI; Name the controversies which have surrounded EI and explain how you believe it should be conceptualised and measured; Describe what a “high EI” person is typically like.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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