Ethical Dilemmas in Online Counselling: Case Studies
Ethical Dilemmas in Online Counselling: Case Studies
This case study course - a companion to “E-therapy: Ethical Considerations” and “Ethical Use of Social Media in Counselling” - illustrates how therapists can effectively navigate ethical issues that may arise when communicating with clients through online technologies.
About this course
This course is a companion to “E-therapy: Ethical Considerations” and “Ethical Use of Social Media in Counselling.” In the other two courses, we explored ethical concerns engendered in the online counselling environment and examined issues that arise when mental health professionals encounter social media: how they may utilise such platforms (or not) in order to stay ethical in their dealings with clients. Confronting the sometimes alien new reality of the digital landscape, however, is one thing. We can be fully armed with all the relevant technological facts and further be well-read on the boundary violations that tend to occur in the cyber domain. But will we recognise a potential ethical dilemma when we see it in our own or another professional's practice? Moreover, will we know in a practical sense how to apply ethical principles to the consideration and resolution of the situation? If the two companion courses - more theoretically oriented - constitute a framework for examining online counselling ethics, then this course is an opportunity to begin filling in the framework with the case study details that eventually populate the picture in the frame. We highly recommend that you do the other two courses before embarking on this one. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to: Identify ethical concerns in the use of text-based online technologies (e.g., email, chat systems, or text messaging); Explain which ethical principles are violated or in danger of being violated with the use of social media in counsellor-client communications; Discuss possible ways to address the ethical concerns arising in the cases and move forward with the least damage to the client, the mental health professions, and the professionals involved; Understand how to resolve future ethical dilemmas arising from use of online technologies.
2 hours
Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter
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