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Growth Mindset: There is No Such Thing As Smart or Stupid

In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson provides simple strategies for practitioners to shift the 'stinking thinking' of their clients away from low-efficacy/agency to a willingness to try (and fail if necessary) in order to learn and grow.

About this course

Professor Carol Dweck's growth mindset ideas have taken the psychological world by storm. But what is it really all about? Is there such a thing as a fixed or a growth mindset? Even if there is, can it be taught? In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson examines the concepts of fixed and growth mindset. Building on Dweck's research - as well as his own empirical experiments as a researcher - Dr. Coulson provides simple strategies for practitioners to shift the 'stinking thinking' of their clients away from low-efficacy/agency to a willingness to try (and fail if necessary) in order to learn and grow. Discover what makes mindset so powerful, and learn how to shift clients (especially children's) thinking in more positive directions. The video concludes with a short Q&A session with Dr. Coulson.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Justin Coulson

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