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Healthy and Harmful Habits: Practical Solutions for Professionals and Clients

In this course, Dr Justin Coulson, Ph.D., offers insights into the creation of healthy habits and the elimination of maladaptive ones. He shows why it is so difficult to make gains permanent and offers systems and techniques to help clients make desired habit changes stick.

About this course

In this course, Dr Justin Coulson tackles the enduring challenge of how to make permanent the new habit a client has begun or continue to avoid an unhealthy habit a client has just eliminated. Do you find that clients often say they'll do something, but struggle to do what they say they'll do? Are your clients’ habits too often unproductive or even unhealthy? Are your clients’ goals clear, but the systems and personal habits they need to achieve those goals a little foggy? And how about you? Are your habits and systems helping you live your best life? This course will help you guide your clients to design the systems and habits they need to follow through, increase productivity, and change their lives for the better. You’ve got the counselling skills. You know how to guide someone through change. But having goals and motivation is only part of the picture. Often, the systems that structure their lives – or lack thereof – actively work against them. After working on their habits, your clients will be clear on what needs to be done, how they’re going to do it, and who they’ll be accountable to. But they’ll also know why it’s been so hard to change, and have specific tools that will make so much difference.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Justin Coulson

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