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Helping Relationships: Creating Measurable Outcomes for Counselling

This course highlights and demonstrates the importance of using measurable goals to drive the process of therapy in both schools and in private practice.

About this course

This course begins with Dr. Shannon Dermer and Dr. Terry Christiansen discussing the importance of using measurable goals to drive the process of therapy in both schools and in private practice. It is easier to achieve successful outcomes when measurable outcomes are set. Clients have small goals to achieve along the way, and achieving these goals helps motivate clients to move toward change and growth. In Part 2, Dr. Christiansen holds a mock session with a client in which she demonstrates the therapeutic process for creating and implementing measureable outcomes. In Part 3, Drs. Dermer and Christiansen wrap-up the program by discussing the demonstration and what was accomplished during the mock client session.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alexander Street Press

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