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How Behavioural Activation Can Help Your Depressed Clients

In this course, Dr. Nina Josefowitz outlines the theoretical rationale of behavioural activation, explains why it is so effective for depressed clients, and offers strategies you can use with your clients.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Nina Josefowitz (Ph.D., C.Psych., Adjunct Faculty Member at the Department of Psychology and Human Development, University of Toronto, Canada) explains the theory underpinning the CBT-oriented therapy of Behavioural Activation (BA), developed originally for depressed clients, but now used more broadly. Noting that the primary symptoms of depression are avoidance and withdrawal, Dr. Josefowitz goes through the step-by-step process used by BA practitioners to help the client to re-engage with life. Rather than waiting until they are in a mood to do activities, BA clients are urged to do scheduled (chosen) activities so that their mood will lift. Dr. Josefowitz provides sample worksheets to go from the pre-treatment recording of activities through to the Daily Activities Schedule, wherein the client agrees to complete chosen activities at scheduled times in order to increase enjoyment and a sense of achievement.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Nina Josefowitz

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