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Increasing Helping Professionals’ Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence by Integrating the E.S.P.M. Model for Self-Care

In this course, Dr. Jason Branch, Ph.D., challenges mental health helpers to come into relationship with the multiple ways in which they may not be enacting self-care owing to unhelpful belief systems, and proposes his four-component E.S.P.M. Model for Self-Care as a way of restoring balance to those whose job is to “give and serve”.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Jason Branch, Ph.D., observes the many practices which mental health helpers do not do daily, but which – if they did them – would result in increased self-awareness. Dr. Branch explains the Belief Model, which shows how beliefs generate behaviours, which – when repeated – become habits, resulting in a given lifestyle. He challenges mental health professionals to change some of the chief factors which keep them from achieving high-level mental health and moving past their own traumas. Dr. Branch explains his E.S.P.M. Model as a self-care tool with four components, each of which must be practiced daily in order to establish and maintain high-level self-care and avoid becoming “an empty cup” (from which nothing can be poured). Dr. Branch also offers an extensive list of tips for protecting one’s peace.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Jason Branch

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