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Integrating Mindfulness Training with Traditional Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

There is increasing evidence that cognition is embodied; body and mind continually interact to produce behaviour. In this course, Dr. Bruno Cayoun (MiCBT Institute) discusses how memory and behavioural reinforcement are also embodied.

About this course

There is increasing evidence that cognition is embodied; body and mind continually interact to produce behaviour. In this course, Dr. Bruno Cayoun (MiCBT Institute) discusses how memory and behavioural reinforcement are also embodied. He provides a strong rationale for the use of mindfulness skills that produce interoceptive desensitisation, and their advantage as a distress reduction method for clients experiencing chronic pain or emotional distress. In this course you will learn: An overview of the origins, purpose and process of mindfulness; the co-emergence model of reinforcement as a rationale for using mindfulness in therapy; an overview of the 4 stages of Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MiCBT); empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of MiCBT across a range of disorders; information on the opportunity for training. The course concludes with a short Q&A session with Dr. Cayoun.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Bruno A. Cayoun

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