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Intuitive Eating: Helping Clients Develop a Healthier Relationship with Food

In this course, you are introduced to the anti-diet approach to eating and body image issues through a discussion of the ten guiding principles of intuitive eating. You learn how to use the Hunger-Fullness Scale and the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 to help clients tap into internal cues of hunger and satiety. Strategies from multiple disciplines are discussed at length.

About this course

In this course, you are introduced to an idea taking the nutrition and wellness industry by storm in the last two decades: that of intuitive eating, an anti-diet approach to food and body image issues. The course shows you, as a clinician, how to guide clients to adopt the ten guiding principles, which ask individuals to tune into their own body signals of hunger and fullness rather than relying on external cues to know when and how much to eat. You learn the many benefits of intuitive eating as well as a few caveats for those clients who wish to engage it. You are shown how to help the client use the Hunger-Fullness Scale to gauge when and how much to eat, and there is a link to, plus discussion on, the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 to help clarify which aspects of intuitive eating are more challenging for clients. Chapter 4 contains a lengthy discussion of strategies, some originating in the fields of mindfulness and dialectical behaviour therapy, which you can use to help clients implement this new way of eating and regarding their bodies.
Duration 6 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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