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Ketamine-assisted Therapy for Treatment-resistant Depression

In this course, Dr. Hilary Lin examines how ketamine-assisted therapy can help a diverse range of psychological conditions, particularly treatment-resistant depression, and discusses aspects of treatment.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Hilary Lin, M.D., co-founder and CEO of Curio, explains the history of ketamine-assisted therapy, how it works, and which forms of it are available through which means of administration. The potential benefits and risks are listed, and Dr. Lin discusses the importance of appropriate screening of clients/patients beforehand and monitoring during and after the experience of taking the drug. She notes the importance of integrating the experience of the ketamine, given that many of the highest insights occur after the drug has left the body.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Hillary Lin

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