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Managing Hopelessness, Helplessness and Despair with our Younger Clients

In this course, Dr. Bonnie Goldstein, LCSW, Ed.M., Ph.D., explains how clinician and client can work collaboratively through sensorimotor psychotherapy to create client safety, enabling traumatised and suicidal clients to come back into their window of tolerance of their experience.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Bonnie Goldstein, LCSW, Ed.M., Ph.D., briefly outlines the state of suicide prevention in the United States and explains how sensorimotor psychotherapy can help traumatised and suicidal clients to describe their emotions and experience. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy’s foundations build upon interpersonal neurobiology and attachment theory. Dr. Goldstein shows how to work with these and the somatic narrative to deepen the therapeutic relationship, thus creating the safety that will allow clients to re-regulate themselves back into their window of tolerance. Sensorimotor-somatic resources for this are listed, and several case presentations further illuminate the notions.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Bonnie Goldstein

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