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Men in Mind: A Roadmap for Engaging Men in Mental Health Care

In this course, Dr Zac Seidler, Director of Mental Health Training, Movember, and research fellow, Orygen, explains how counsellors and the mental health system in general are failing to engage men, with the result that men’s suicide rate is rising. Dr Seidler explains what we need to do to help men engage more in mental health care.

About this course

In this course, Dr Zac Seidler, Director of Mental Health Training, Movember, and research fellow, Orygen, cites the grim statistics of a rising suicide rate among men, even though more men than ever before are presenting for help. He notes the high percentage of men who leave therapy prematurely because they did not connect with their counsellor. Seidler busts some myths about men and counselling and describes the key elements for improved male engagement in psychological treatment. Unhelpful therapist assumptions about men are also examined.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Zac Seidler

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