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Mindfulness Essentials for Therapist Self-care

In this course, Jon Unal explains why mindfulness practices are so important for mental health professionals, leads several practices, and extols the benefits of them.

About this course

In this course, Jon Unal (psychotherapist, leadership and mindset coach, and corporate trainer) makes a case for mindfulness and monotasking in today’s overcommunicated world. Unal leads you through several mindfulness practices and extols the benefits of having a regular practice. During the webinar, you watch several short videos; one shows how mindfulness can help create a more spacious psyche and the other explains positive brain changes which science has discovered occur with regular mindfulness practice. Unal offers numerous mindfulness practices/tools and invites you to create an action plan to allow mindfulness to change your life.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Jon Unal

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