Narcissism: The Basics

This course aims to acquaint you with the basics of narcissism as it is understood by mental health clinicians and researchers.

About this course

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a disorder in which individuals seem to have an inflated sense of their own importance and an unrealistically deep need for admiration. A person with NPD is majorly preoccupied with issues of power, personal adequacy, prestige, and vanity. He or she lacks empathy and exudes a sense of superiority, but beneath the mask of super-confidence rests an extremely fragile self-esteem. Individuals with NPD are insensitive to others' feelings, but crumple at the slightest hint of criticism to themselves. The aim of this course - a companion to “Treating Narcissism In and Around Your Clients” and “Case Studies in Narcissism” - is to acquaint you with the basics of narcissism as it is understood by clinicians and researchers. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to: Define narcissism; Recall at least seven of its chief symptoms/ diagnostic criteria; Name the three chief factors in a person's interpersonal history which tend to create NPD; Identify the differences between healthy and pathological narcissism; List the chief consequences of narcissism in an individual's life and; Discuss the main paradoxes of narcissism.
Duration 2 hours
Format text
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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