Nonsuicidal Self-injury (NSSI): A Primer for Therapists
Nonsuicidal Self-injury (NSSI): A Primer for Therapists
In this course, Dr. Amanda Giordano, Ph.D., LPC, defines NSSI, explains the trends of its prevalence, and examines the relationship between NSSI and social media. She identifies assessment instruments and discusses treatment considerations.
About this course
In this course, Dr. Amanda Giordano, Ph.D., LPC, Associate Professor of Counseling at the University of Georgia, shares the alarming statistics concerning nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and shows how, while already prevalent, it is on the rise: so much so that it is now a “condition for further study” in the DSM, with proposals for a new “NSSI Disorder” to be added. The adolescents and young people who mainly engage in NSSI are often influenced by their peers and this is seen in the wide scope for contagion via the internet; thus, Giordano discusses social media considerations. Numerous assessment instruments now measure various aspects of NSSI; these are identified, along with treatment considerations.