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Planning for Safety and Post-Traumatic Growth

In this course, Dr. DeQuincy Lezine, Ph.D., Lived Experience Academy, distinguishes between post-traumatic growth and post-suicidal growth as he explores three important goals when working with someone who is in a crisis. The roles of risk and wellness in safety planning are explored, as well as the types of reflection that are most helpful post-crisis.

About this course

In this course, Dr. DeQuincy Lezine, Ph.D., Lived Experience Academy, outlines the requirements for three helping goals in working with someone in crisis: stabilisation, recovery, and growth. He notes that, while safety planning is important for reducing the risk, a continued focus on risk past the point of stabilisation may impede movement toward wellness. Using several clear analogies, Dr. Lezine discusses the characteristics of post-traumatic growth and coping (including results from several meta-analyses) and how these differ from characteristics of post-suicidal growth. Ultimately, safety plans can be revised in order to accommodate growth planning; Dr. Lezine shows how.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter DeQuincy Lezine

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