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Positive Emotions: Stimulating an Upward Spiral of Resilience

In this course, Sue Langley explores the science of positive emotions and practices such as optimism, humor, savouring and gratitude, which studies show will boost positive emotions in our clients and us.

About this course

By amplifying positive emotions we can minimize the impact of negative emotions and foster a positive environment for healing. Frequent positive emotions are one of the hallmarks of happiness and wellbeing. According to Barbara Fredrickson, who developed Broaden and Build Theory, positive emotions expand people's repertoire for effective thinking and action, helping them build intellectual, physical, psychological and social resources. These resources outlast transient emotional states, propelling people in 'upward spirals' toward optimal functioning and wellbeing. Persistent negative emotions have the opposite affect, spiralling us into 'downward cycles' that can be self-perpetuating. In this course, Sue Langley explores the science of positive emotions and practices such as optimism, humour, savouring and gratitude, which studies show will boost positive emotions in our clients and us.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Sue Langley

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