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Positive Meaning: Connecting People to Purpose in Everyday Life

In this course, Sue Langley explores recent research and theories to help people find their own meaning in life, as well as simple activities to connect clients to their values, grow through adversity and develop a richer sense of purpose.

About this course

The drive to find a purpose and live a meaningful life is part of human nature and an important factor in our psychological wellbeing and growth. People with higher levels of wellbeing find a stronger sense of meaning and purpose. Whether linked to family or religion, the work people do or what they contribute to others, meaning tends to involve living in line with personal values and pursuing worthwhile goals. This course explores recent research and theories to help people find their own meaning in life, as well as simple activities to connect clients to their values, grow through adversity and develop a richer sense of purpose in everyday life.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Sue Langley

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