Positive Psychology: The Basics

In this course we explore how the traditional focus on pathology is complemented with the study of human strengths and virtues and the factors that contribute to a full and meaningful life; it is thus a course about what promotes optimal human functioning.

About this course

If you are looking for writings that merely tell you to go sniff some flowers and think positively, this may not be the right choice for you. Rather, this course shows how positive psychology complements the traditional focus on pathology with the study of human strengths and virtues and the factors that contribute to a full and meaningful life. Using Seligman’s P.E.R.M.A. Model of Positive emotions, engagement, relationship, meaning, and achievement as a framework, it examines both the research and the theory that underpins it to show how individuals and communities flourish with a positive focus. You will be introduced to Frederickson’s Broaden and Build Theory, Seligman’s learned optimism and positive explanatory style, Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow, The Ripple Effect, and Wong’s P.U.R.E. model. The VIA Survey and Strengths Profile tools for measuring strengths are explained; they may be able to open heretofore closed doors for your clients.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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