Post Traumatic Growth and Psychedelics

In this course, Dr. Alana Roy and Melissa Warner explain how psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy can help trauma victims move toward post-traumatic growth.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Alana Roy (founder, Science of Life Psychology; founding board member of Australian Multidisciplinary Association of Psycho-elect Practitioners) and Melissa Warner (secretary, Psychedelic Research in Science and Medicine; co-founder, Australian Psychedelic Society; co-director, Cyberdelic Society) take you through the characteristics of trauma, and how you can support trauma-affected clients at each stage of it. You learn about each phase of The Heroine’s Journey and the advantages of psychedelics over current treatments for trauma. The importance of meta-cognition and the emergence of various parts of the self as the treatment progresses round out the lecture.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alana Roy Melissa Warner

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