Post Traumatic Growth (PTG)

In this course, Sue Langley introduces the notion of PTG (posttraumatic growth) and describes the domains in which it operates, the factors that contribute to it, and the kinds of thought processes post-trauma that enable clients to achieve it.

About this course

In this course, Sue Langley (M.A., Neuroscience of Leadership; CEO and Founder of Langley Group), walks you through what you need to know about posttraumatic growth (PTG) in order to use it clinically. Defining trauma and debunking common myths through citation of research, Langley uses the Outcome Theory of PTG to explain the possible outcomes following on from trauma. Identifying domains which have resulted from thematic analysis, Langley describes the different ways that change and growth can manifest in PTG and lists the factors that contribute to PTG. The Post Traumatic Growth Inventory can help you to identify those clients experiencing PTG, and you can further assist such clients through use of Langley’s flow chart outlining the role of directed thought and random indirected thought in attaining PTG.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Sue Langley

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