Practical Strategies to Calm Children

In this course, Rachel Tomlinson defines emotional intelligence and explains emotional dysregulation in the context of practical strategies you or a child-client’s parents can employ to achieve greater wellbeing for children.

About this course

In this course, Rachel Tomlinson (B.A., Psych; PGDip, Psych; registered psychologist) makes a compelling case for helping children to be calm. Defining emotional intelligence and defending its central importance to child wellbeing, Tomlinson explains the vicious cycle of emotional avoidance which leads to increasing dysregulation. Noting that feelings have a purpose and that they are underlain with unmet needs, she outlines ways in which parents can help children to recognise and own “big” emotions, identify the need underneath them, and regulate themselves. You learn numerous strategies for helping children to identify feelings and respond adaptively and relationally to them.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Rachel Tomlinson

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