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Real Men Don’t . . . ? The Hidden Traumas of Masculinity

In this course, Dr. Zac Seidler, clinical psychologist and Director, Mental Health Training, Movember, explains how men’s externalising symptoms of distress come about as a result of the male socialisation process which constrains emotional expression, friendship, intimacy, and the experience of vulnerability. He outlines what needs to change and how it can do so.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Zac Seidler, clinical psychologist and Director of Mental Health Training for Movember, explores what he calls a “complex, charged topic”: the manner in which society frames masculinity, and the traumas this induces for men. From constrained emotional expression to loss of intimacy, men are socialised to enter a cycle of trauma which begins with perceived loss of control and power and eventually leads to externalising behaviours such as violence, substance use, and coercive control. Citing recent studies of men – especially younger ones – who are refusing to “buy into” harmful, traditional “male” qualities, Seidler maintains there is hope, which may come in the form of role modelling, educating mental health professionals, and showing how we can reframe masculinity to free men from the double bind in which their socialisation overwhelmingly places them.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Zac Seidler

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