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Spirituality and Counselling: Integration, Inspiration, and Insights

In this course, hosts Dr Sam Gladding, Professor of Counselling at Wake Forest University, and Dr Geri Miller, Professor of Counselling at Appalachia State University, discuss how counsellors can integrate spirituality into their work with clients.

About this course

In this course, hosts Dr Sam Gladding, Professor of Counselling at Wake Forest University, and Dr Geri Miller, Professor of Counselling at Appalachia State University, discuss how to integrate spiritual insights and inspiration into client work. They entertain the question of why spirituality is important in life, share how it has manifested in their own lives, and examine the issues of negative spirituality and how one cultivates spirituality. They hold interviews with Dr Bob Nations and Tuesday Feral about techniques they use to address important issues related to spirituality.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Alexander Street Press

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