Suicide Intervention: Evidence-Based Skills and Training Through At-scale Delivery, with Capacity and Quality Control
Suicide Intervention: Evidence-Based Skills and Training Through At-scale Delivery, with Capacity and Quality Control
In this course, Shayne Connell, outlines the evidence-based programs the organisation has to train people in identifying, engaging, and intervening with those at risk of suicide. He provides a strong rationale for the differentiated roles that members of a community or an organisation can take up to help prevent suicide.
About this course
In this course, Shayne Connell, B.A., M.B.A., Vice President of Livingworks Australia, describes the main training programs of Livingworks Australia, which is the only evidence-based suicide intervention training to be recommended by the World Health Organisation. Utilizing the Network of Safety Model and the notion of differentiated roles, Connell shows how organisations and communities can achieve greater areas of coverage and more extensive referral pathways, thereby increasing effectiveness at preventing suicide. Livingworks’ Global Innovation Team is bringing forth new programs which are helping the organisation move in their research and evaluation efforts from self-reports of willingness and confidence toward tangible outcomes.