Supervision: Maximising Your Sessions

In this course geared toward supervisees, mental health helpers are shown how to get the most out of their supervisions, including through appropriate choices of supervisor, wise setting of goals and expectations, and dealing with resistance in its many out-of-awareness forms.

About this course

In this course, mental health helpers are shown how they can maximise their supervision sessions. Chapter 1 reviews the broader aims of supervision and the qualities that ensure a supervisee is able to grow through supervision. Appropriate learning goals, approach to learning, type of supervisory relationship, and management processes are discussed. Chapter 2 examines supervisor behaviours and traits, questions to ask a prospective supervisor, and elements of a supervision contract. Supervisee rights and responsibilities and how to work with a supervisor in a strengths-based way comprise the third chapter, while Chapter 4 looks at phenomena which tend to be out-of-awareness, but which can derail supervision: factors such as resistance, attachment styles, shame avoidance, and transference.
Duration 3 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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