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Telepractice: A Real Choice for Quality Therapy Services for Children

In this course, Dr. Kim Bulkeley, Senior Lecturer, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, outlines the findings of a study identifying factors associated with quality telepractice with children, especially those who have a disability.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Kim Bulkeley, Senior Lecturer, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, provides an overview based on her research findings of the factors linked with telepractice as a viable service delivery modality for children with a disability who live remotely. Describing the context that promotes telepractice models, Dr. Bulkeley identifies the components of quality telepractice and helps you to understand parent/carer perspectives on it. You will be able to recognise how telepractice aligns with family-centred practice and locate resources to support telepractice skill development.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Kim Bulkeley

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